What to do if you are about to be flooded
Dial 999 if you are or somebody else is in immediate danger and need rescuing.
If floods are imminent
- If you have a flood plan put it into action
- Tune into BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester for advice. Regular information is broadcast on local radio and TV
- Alert vulnerable neighbours
- Switch off gas, electricity and water at the mains
- Ensure protection products are in place
- Plug sinks, baths and low level shower trays and weigh them down to prevent backflow
- If you do not have non-return valves fitted, plug water inlet pipes with towels or cloths and disconnect any equipment that uses water and plug or seal if possible to prevent water entering your home (for example washing machines and dishwashers)
- Store smaller electrical appliances and furniture as high as possible
- Do as much as you can in daylight. It will be much harder at night, particularly if your electricity fails
- In the case of flash flooding, evacuate basement flats immediately and seek higher ground
If you have to evacuate
- Emergency services will tell you if you need to evacuate. Follow their instructions carefully. However, a situation may arise when you have to make the decision to leave your home and seek safety. Let the emergency services know you have left as soon as you can
- Remain calm and leave as quickly as possible
- Get your family and pets together
- Check if neighbours need help
- Make sure fires are out and appliances are turned off
- Shut all windows and lock doors
- You may be able to arrange to stay with family or friends, or your insurance may cover the cost of alternative accommodation
- Emergency accommodation will be provided by local authorities at a rest centre, if you are unable to make alternative arrangements. You will be told where the rest centre is located, and transport will be provided for those without
- If you decide to stay with family or friends let the Police or your council know
- Do not return home unless you are told by authorities that it is safe to do so
- Take your emergency kit, including any prescription medicines