Inside Out

Inside Out is an exciting project that brings the hidden gems in the museum collections bursting into life for local people and visitors. Using digital technology objects can be seen in the communities where people live, work and visit.

Local digital artists have collaborated with Herefordshire community groups. People of all ages have chosen objects from the collections including an early 20th century hop stilt, a Victorian Noah's Ark, parasols, a penny farthing, a stuffed fish and a peacock feather hat! From these objects digital installations have been created and are now available to tour the county.

Noah's Ark

Wooden Noah's Ark with animals

An interactive arcade type installation that explores many themes linked to a Victorian Noah's Ark, including animals in their natural habitats, climate change, Victorian life and the biblical story of the great flood. You can navigate all this from the comfort of a chair and using four simple buttons. Suitable for all ages and great fun to try.

Andy Round who created the Noah's Ark is a visual artist who uses multimedia as a medium, focusing on interactive installations and digital collage work. He has created digital interactives for public display across the West Midlands. View more of Andy's work on Paradise Multimedia

Explore this Noah's Ark online

The Noah's Ark installation has been touring successfully to community locations around the county and now you can explore it here with this special online version built by Andy Round.

To navigate through the labyrinth of words, images and film:

  • Mouse users: Use left-click to select icons or text
  • Touch screen users: Tap directly on the icons or text

Hop Stilt

A beautiful projection based on the themes of agriculture and the countryside. Using original photographs of hop stilts in use and combining these with images from the Herefordshire landscape, the artist has created layers of images in vibrant colours.

Hopstilt object and projection of farmer using hopstilts

Nuala Hussey who created the Hop Stilt projection runs an art practice in Hereford called Damhán Alla Art, focused on art installations, illustrated journals, and oil paintings. She works on projects that have a strong grounding in research and community, and as well as selling paintings across Europe, she has created art and design work for many local organisations. View more at and Instagram @damhanallaart

Book an installation for your local group or venue

The installations are available for local groups and venues to host. For more information and to book to borrow the installations:

For more information and to book to borrow Noah's Ark installation

For more information and to book to borrow Hop Stilt installation

or call 01432 383383.

We can discuss or send you details of the installation requirements/specifications when you enquire.