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Early Bronze Age Burial c. 1700BCE Found in the Olchon Valley, Herefordshire, May 1932. One of two barrow burials, each containing an individual in a stone cist which were brought to the surface by ploughing in the Olchon Valley. This cist was made from slabs of local sandstone, and contained the skeleton of a man aged between 25 and 30. The man was interred in a crouching position, his head facing north. In the grave was a clay beaker and a flint arrowhead of barbed and tanged type. The beaker was probably used as a drinking vessel as well as a burial good, and ritual drinking during the interment could well have been part of the cult.

Accession Number
Date 1700BC - 800
Period Bronze Age
Collection Archaeology
Material Bone
Locality Olchon Valley
Locality Llanveynoe Parish
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