Community Safety Partnership

Promoting trust and understanding between groups from different backgrounds is as important in Herefordshire, as anywhere else. Through our membership of the Community Safety Partnership we encourage neighbourhoods, villages and towns in the county to become more involved in making where they live even safer.

Not feeling safe where you live or work can have a major effect upon your quality of life, health and wellbeing. At worst, it leads to social isolation and make someone feel ever more vulnerable in their own community. Fortunately, Herefordshire is generally a very safe place with some of the lowest crime rates in the country. However, we want to make things even better.

The Community Safety Partnership's main priorities

To help improve the safety and well-being of residents and visitors to the county, the Community Safety Partnership work to:

  • Bring offenders to account and cut levels of reoffending
  • Address the harm caused by domestic violence and abuse
  • Minimise the impact of alcohol and drugs on our communities
  • Promote community togetherness and cut anti-social behaviour

We also work to help keep people safe on our roads.

Our community safety strategy highlights how the Community Safety Partnership will tackle community safety issues within Herefordshire between 2021 and 2024.

To find out more about the Community Safety Partnership, email or call us on 01432 260100.

Areas we focus on

Making Herefordshire's roads safer

We work closely with the Safer Roads Partnership for West Mercia and local policing teams to identify areas where speeding is considered a particular problem for local residents. While West Mercia Police are responsible for the actual enforcement of speed limits, you can talk to us about possible speed calming measures. You could also set up one of our roadside speed indication devices in your community to encourage better driver behaviour, if that's an appropriate solution.

Policing in Herefordshire

Local West Mercia teams work with more specialist officers to ensure the county is policed round the clock. Find out more about what West Mercia Police are doing in your area.

Keeping Herefordshire clean and tidy

Waste, litter, flyposting and graffiti spoil our streets and public places. So it's important we all do what we can to make sure that Herefordshire stays clean and tidy.

You can report a problem to us, but you could also arrange or join in with, or organise your own community litter pick to keep your community as beautiful as it deserves to be.

Community Safety Partnership members

The other members of the Community Safety Partnership are: