Our open data
We publish our data as part of our commitment to be open and transparent. You are free to re-use our data sets, but you must follow the terms of the Open Government Licence.
We present data in a raw state with information about where it came from and what it's used for, and in a way that you can easily read it in a variety of applications. Some information will not be available, where we need to respect sensitive information for legal reasons, or to protect vulnerable adults and children.
We've put some of our data on our Understanding Herefordshire website so that you can understand more about Herefordshire and the services we provide to you. You can find more information on government open data sets on the data.gov.uk website.
If you have any queries about our data, or can identify ways for us to improve our data, please use the contact details on the web page to contact the relevant team providing the data.
Information Governance Team contact details
For further information on FOI or EIR please contact:
Address: Information Governance Team, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE Send Email