Flood management schemes
Herefordshire Council closely monitors areas of flooding in the county and identifies where preventative measures could be taken to protect homes and businesses.
We work with the Environment Agency and communities to develop flood management schemes to mitigate future flooding.
Flood management projects funded in Herefordshire since 2010
If you are interested in a particular flood management scheme or schemes, either as a householder or as a developer, you can contact us for more information.
Request more details of flood management schemes from the Flood Risk Team
Recent flood management schemes
How flood management schemes are funded
The majority of funds available from Defra for flooding are given to the Environment Agency as Flood Defence Grant-in-Aid (FDGiA).
Local levy funding is an additional locally-raised source of income, gathered by way of a levy on local authorities and collected via Council Tax. The levy is administered by the relevant Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC). The RFCC is responsible for deciding how the levy is spent within the region each year.
We can apply to the Environment Agency for FDGiA and local levy funding to help deliver flood erosion risk management schemes and activities.