Priority needs for housing

A priority need is a special reason why we, as the council, must give you more help if you are homeless or facing homelessness.

We assess the vulnerability of people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

By law, you have a priority need for housing if you are homeless and you or someone you live with are/is:

  • At risk of domestic abuse 
  • Pregnant
  • Living with their dependent children
  • Homeless because of an emergency such as a fire or a flood

Some people are considered likely to be more vulnerable if they were homeless and therefore have a priority need.

This includes other special reasons such as:

  • Old age, illness, mental illness or disability or physical disability
  • Having served in the Armed Forces
  • Being a care leaver over the age of 21
  • Having been in custody

These priorities guide our assessment of who receives help with their housing situation. You can read more about each priority need situation on Shelter's website.

Local connection

If you do not have a local connection with Herefordshire but do have a connection with another authority, we will normally make a referral to that authority to provide housing, unless you would be at risk of domestic or other violence in that area.

You will have a local connection with Herefordshire if:

  • You are normally resident in the county
  • You work in Herefordshire
  • You have immediate family in Herefordshire who have lived here for at least five years
  • There are any other particularly strong reasons that give you a connection with the area

View the full housing allocation scheme for Herefordshire