Making the move to living independently is a big step for any young person. If you are a care leaver we want to make sure you are supported so that this move is as positive as possible. Feeling healthy, confident and supported will make a big difference to your wellbeing during this time and beyond.
Wellbeing includes both your physical and mental health and knowing how to access services which can help you to feel safe and to get any advice you need. That may include sexual health services or support with drugs or alcohol.
You are also entitled to continue with the health assessments you have every six months as a looked after child and this can be a reassuring opportunity to check out anything that's bothering you. As you reach 18 we can provide you with a summary of your health information and if you need to move or register with a new doctor, dentist or optician, your personal advisor can give you advice about finding a suitable practice and registering.
Contact the 16+ care leavers team
Your personal advisor will give you their phone number for you to contact them directly. If you need some urgent advice or support, please contact the 16+ duty worker using the details below.
Address: 33-35 Union Street, Hereford HR1 2BTOffice open 8.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Thursday or 8.45am to 4.45pm on a Friday Send Email