Information for employers

Herefordshire Skills Show 2025 logo

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CIFS Centre for Innovation and Future Skills logo

Do you want to inspire the next generation?

Are you passionate about shaping the future workforce?

Join us at The Herefordshire Skills Show 2025 at NMITE, Skylon Park, Hereford on Thursday 20 March 2025, an exciting opportunity to engage with motivated young people in the county.

By exhibiting at our event, you'll have a unique platform to showcase your business and inspire the next generation of talent.

We will be welcoming over 1,000 visitors from schools (Years 10 and up) to the show looking for information and inspiration regarding careers and options including: apprenticeships, job vacancies, work experience, internships, college courses, university courses, gap year opportunities and more.

Why exhibit?

  • Connect with tomorrow's leaders: Interact with eager students exploring potential career paths showcasing the experiences of the exciting jobs and careers available in the county
  • Community impact: Demonstrate your commitment to local education and development
  • Brand visibility: Increase your company's visibility among parents, educators, and the community
  • It's free to book a stand

Event highlights:

  • Networking opportunities: Connect with other local businesses, educators, and community leaders.
  • Inspire and educate: Be a part of sparking curiosity and passion for various careers.

How to take part:

  1. Reserve your stand: Secure your space to showcase your business
  2. Customise your presence: Tailor your exhibit to captivate the interests of young minds
  3. Engage with students: Make the most of this unique opportunity to interact directly with potential future employees

Ready to make a difference in the lives of young learners? Book your stand now to secure your spot at the Skills Show.

Book your stand 

Exhibiting information

Join other employers, education and training providers across the region. Exhibiting at the show is a great opportunity to showcase your business and inspire people. See who is exhibiting.

The event runs from 10am to 3.30pm on Thursday 20 March 2025 for pupils and students.

There will be a quiet hour 10am to 11am for students with additional needs.

Each stand will receive:

  • Bottled water
  • 2 breakfast vouchers for a 2m x 3m stand or 4 breakfast vouchers for a 4m x 6m stand
  • Company listing in the event programme
  • Presence on the website showcasing logo, information on your organisation and a link to your website
  • Free WIFI access

Stands will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Exhibitors will need to complete a risk assessment and provide evidence of public liability insurance. Risk assessment forms will be sent out to you once we have accepted your booking and will need to be completed and returned to us no less than two weeks before the show.

Please note, stands need to be set up between 8am and 9.30am on the day of the event – there will not be an opportunity to set up stands outside of these times.

Due to health and safety issues stands will not be permitted to be dismantled before 3pm – so please ensure that you can commit staff attendance for the full event time.

Book your stand

Prior to the event:

  • Local and regional press engagement and promotional literature: feature your companies branding and, where appropriate, in editorial and quotes, including press releases circulated to local and regional press
  • Online promotional credits: giving your brand lasting exposure via several social media platforms including twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Also websites and newsletters from Herefordshire Council, the Marches Careers Hub and the Growth Hub
  • Business promotion: your business will get in front of all employees at Herefordshire Council and other Herefordshire based businesses

On the day:

  • Stand space which equates to 12m x 12m, includes breakfast for staff, electricity, prime location at the front of the event with the first pick of stand space. See your business take pride of place at The Herefordshire Skills Show
  • Event programme: a one page spread for you to do with what you want in the event programme, given to every person who attends

To discuss requirements further please email

Herefordshire Skills Show 2025 partner logosFunded by UK Government and Powered by Levelling Up logos