Find, reserve and request items

Find items

Explore our library catalogue to see what is available over all the libraries in Herefordshire - including our special collections.

Search the library catalogue

The catalogue will show in which libraries the title is held, which items are out on loan and how many reservations that title has.

You can also search for eBooks and eAudiobooks on our library catalogue or by using the BorrowBox app.

If you would like help on how to use the catalogue, you can take a quick three-minute tour at the top of the catalogue, or click on 'Help' to see a list of search tips.

Reserve items

You can reserve items on the library catalogue and have them sent to your local library to collect. To reserve books you need to be a library member.

When you have found the catalogue entry for the title you want to reserve:

  • Click 'Check availability'
  • Select the library you would like to collect from
  • Click 'Reserve this item'
  • 'Confirm' the reservation

When your reservation is ready we will email you and keep it for you for 10 days. You can see a summary and check the status of your reservations by logging into your library account. You can also cancel reservations on your account at any time.

Reservations usually take about a week to arrive if the book is coming from another library, but we can't guarantee this. If your reservation seems to be taking a long time, contact us and we will look into it.

We don't charge for reserving items on our catalogue.

Request titles from other library services (inter-library loans)

If a title is not on our catalogue, you can request an inter-library loan. We offer a national service that includes the British Library. You can also request a periodical article using this service. If we can obtain the item you have asked for, there is a £7.50 charge for using this service. To request an inter-library loan you need to be a library member.

The length of time to obtain your inter-library loan may vary depending on the supplying library and can take a few weeks. Please contact us if you need an update on your request.

Stock suggestions

Suggest a title for stock. Our stock team reviews all suggestions regularly for purchase. Although we don’t have the room or resources to buy every title suggested and some titles may not be available in the format required. Suggestions are not treated as reservations and individual responses are not provided. If you want to see if your suggestion has been purchased please check the library catalogue.