Supporting the people of Ukraine

There are a number of ways that residents can continue to support people from Ukraine.

Offer a home to a Ukrainian through the Homes for Ukraine Scheme

See the Homes for Ukraine page for more information.

Donate money to emergency appeals

The easiest way to support those fleeing Ukraine is by donating to charities providing humanitarian relief.

By giving money to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal you will help provide food, water, shelter and healthcare to refugees and displaced families. The DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of humanitarian crisis overseas.

The Red Cross and UNICEF are also running appeals.

Donate money to the Herefordshire Community Foundation's Help for Refugees Fund

The Help for Refugees Fund supports local initiatives which assist the resettlement of refugees in Herefordshire.

Since the fund was established in 2022, it has supported Ukrainians, Afghan and Syrian families living in Herefordshire. It has focussed its help on funding laptops, to enable refugees to access practical support online.

Donate items

For local donations, please see the Hereford Help for Ukraine Facebook group for regular postings on what items are needed.

We are also working with Hereford Help for Ukraine to collect and deliver donated furniture and other household items that are in a re-usable condition. These are being redistributed to Ukrainians in need in Herefordshire.

Contact for more information.

Volunteer your time

To volunteer your time please take a look at the HVOSS website or email