Ukraine Permission Extension scheme

Ukraine Permission Extension scheme (UPE)

The Ukraine Permission Extension scheme (UPE) was launched on 4 February 2025 to allow Ukrainian guests already in the UK to apply to extend their stay for an additional 18 months after their Homes for Ukraine (HfU) visa or another valid Ukrainian visa expires.

The UPE scheme is free to apply for and successful applicants will be able to continue living, working, studying, and accessing public funds in the UK.

It is not an automatic extension, so applications need to be made when an existing visa has 28 days or less remaining. Applicants can check their UKVI account to find their original visa expiry date. Decisions will usually be made within 8 weeks. 

  • If the UPE application is made on time, then the applicant's rights and entitlements will continue while the Home Office makes a decision about their UPE application.
  • If the application is late (submitted after the date of expiry of their current permission), even if the application for UPE is successful later, the applicant will lose their recourse to public funds, which includes entitlements to work, study, rent and benefits, until a decision is made.

These are just some of the key points on the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme. For further details visit GOV.UK: Guidance on Applying to the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme.

Support with the UPE application

If you or someone you know, lives in Herefordshire and would like support with filling out a UPE application, please contact us at, and we will connect you with a local link worker.

Council and voluntary sector officers can only assist with form filling. If you require immigration advice, you should contact a registered immigration advisor.

Thank you payments under the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme (UPE)

From 1 April 2025, the Government has set a flat rate for all thank you payments to sponsors of guests on HfU and UPE of £350 per month, regardless of how long the guest has been in the UK. 

If a Ukrainian guest is granted an 18-month UPE visa and is hosted by an eligible UK sponsor, the sponsor will continue to receive £350 per month.

£500 a month for eligible sponsors in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Council has decided to top up the Government's £350 monthly payment with an extra £150 per month, ensuring eligible sponsors continue receiving a total of £500 per month, as previously provided.

These payments will stop after the 18-month extension period ends or if the sponsorship ends before the 18-month period.

Information for sponsors

When a guest applies for the UPE scheme while still living with a sponsor, the sponsor must submit a new claim for thank you payments. 

An officer from the team managing the Homes for Ukraine Scheme will arrange to visit sponsors and their guests to support them through this process. 

On receipt of the claim, we will continue to make thank you payments provided that the:

  • Accommodation meets minimum statutory housing standards (as per the Housing Act 2004)
  • Guest is not paying rent to the sponsor or host
  • Guest is not working for the sponsor or host in exchange for accommodation
  • UPE visa is granted within six months of the HfU visa's end date or a UPE application is in progress
  • Guest's previous visa was under the Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • Guest and host are not in a close family relationship

Information for guests

Guests applying for the UPE visa and still living with a sponsor must keep the Council updated on their application and confirm with the Council as soon as they have received notification of the outcome. Guests will need to provide evidence of their UPE application by providing a share code for their eVisa account when requested by the Council. 

Council Tax and the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme (UPE)

The Government published revised guidance on 31 January 2025 on Council Tax deductions to cover the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme.

Information for sponsors

The guidance confirms that monthly payments received under the UPE scheme will not affect any existing benefits or Council Tax discounts, including the 'single occupancy' discount.

This remains unchanged even if your guest moves on to a Ukraine Permission Extension scheme visa.

View Becoming a sponsor: Homes for Ukraine - GOV.UK

Information for guests

The Government has also updated its guidance on Council Tax discounts for guests under the UPE visa. Previously, guests were eligible for a 50% Council Tax discount if they lived alone or if all adults in their household held a Homes for Ukraine (HfU) visa.

Under the new rules, this exemption will no longer apply once a guest transitions from an HfU visa to a UPE visa. However, the Council Tax system contains a range of discounts and disregards which may reduce a person's bill.

View Renting private accommodation: Homes for Ukraine - GOV.UK