Improving our cycling and walking infrastructure

In 2017, the Government published its first Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, encouraging local authorities to develop Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs). These are a new, strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at a local level, and support the government’s ambition to make cycling and walking the natural choice for shorter journeys, or as part of a longer journey. They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks.

The key outputs of an LCWIP include:

  • A network plan for walking and cycling which identifies preferred routes and core zones for further development
  • A prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment and
  • A report which sets out the analysis which underpins the plan, and provides a strong rationale which supports the identified improvements and network

Why we’re developing an LCWIP for Herefordshire

The Herefordshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan will align with the council’s vision and priorities set out in the Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-2028, as well as support the aims and objectives of other key strategies and plans such as the emerging Local Transport Plan 2024-2041 and Local Plan 2021-2041.

A critical first step to increasing walking and cycling across our county is to plan where best to invest in infrastructure – to join up existing routes and build new ones. We intend to use published government guidance on LCWIPs and adapt it in ways which make it more relevant to our rural county. This will enable us to make strategic decisions on where to prioritise infrastructure in the short-term, and helps us develop a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks, over at least a ten-year period.

Goals for the Herefordshire LCWIP

The goals for our LCWIP include:

  1. Increase our opportunity for funding from central government and elsewhere for much-needed infrastructure for local transport active travel.
  2. Set out an indicative development plan for a joined-up network of active travel routes linking up places we visit
  3. Provide a framework for prioritising funding for new infrastructure for active travel
  4. Set direction for infrastructure design
  5. Help consistency and efficiency in the delivery of our portfolio of local transport projects

Completion date for the LCWIP

It is anticipated that the development of the LCWIP will be completed during 2024/25, following a period of public consultation. More details on this consultation will be published in due course.

Read more about our LCWIP in the frequently asked questions document: Herefordshire local cycling and walking infrastructure plan - FAQs

Local walking and cycling infrastructure plan

See the FAQs for more information or contact us with any further questions

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