Walking for your wellbeing

Group of walkers crossing bridge in single file, with walking poles

Health benefits of walking

Walking is a great way to get active, and benefits not only your physical health but your mental health too.

Physical health - Walking can:

  • Increase your cardiorespiratory (heart and lung) fitness
  • Reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Strengthen muscles and joints, and even
  • Improves your immunity

Mental health and wellbeing - Walking can:

  • Improve your mental health
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Lower stress levels
  • Boost your energy throughout the day
  • Improve sleep

How much exercise should I be doing?

Adults need to be active for at least 150 minutes every week and this can be in moderate intensity bouts as short as 10 to 30 minutes. Being active doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym. There are many ways to include physical activity into your daily routine, such as brisk walking or mowing the lawn. It is just as important to avoid long periods of inactivity where possible.

A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly exercise.

You can tell if you're walking briskly if you can still talk but cannot sing the words to a song. The NHS Active 10 app can also tell you when you're walking fast enough, help you set goals and track your steps.

If you would like to keep motivated by logging your steps then there are various free walking challenges and apps available by searching online.

These include:

  • World Walking which has over 400 virtual walks to explore by logging your walking
  • NHS apps like 'Active 10' or 'Couch to 5K'

Added benefits of walking in green space

Walking can help reduce the risk of anxiety and depression, and when done in natural environments rather than indoors, it reduces feelings of anger, fatigue and sadness.

Exercising in green spaces for even as little as five minutes was found to improve mood and feelings of self-esteem.

There are lots of green spaces in Herefordshire. If you live in Hereford or one of the county towns you could walk to one of the many parks and open spaces. Or head to the Wildlife Trust website to find wild green spaces near you.

There are also 16 circular walks in various locations across the county which allow you to get out and enjoy the amazing views Herefordshire has to offer.

The Ramblers Wellbeing Walks

Herefordshire's Wellbeing Walks are free and friendly short group walks across the county. All of our walks are led by experienced Ramblers Wellbeing Walks leaders along tried and tested routes.

Walks are taken at a steady pace and will be over easy ground, making them suitable for everyone.

As you'll be walking with others, you'll feel safe, be supported, and have fun along the way. Not only are they a great first step towards becoming more active, but they are also a great way to meet new people with many of our walks stopping for a cup of tea/coffee and a chat afterwards.

There is no need to book online you can simply turn up at the starting point 10-15 minutes before the walk is due to start.

For details of Wellbeing Walks available in Herefordshire please visit the Ramblers website.

If you would like to join a walking group but are looking for something a bit more challenging, the groups listed on our Walking groups page may be more suitable for you.

Become a Wellbeing Walks walk leader with the Ramblers

Becoming a walk leader is a great way of staying fit and connecting with others in your community. As a Wellbeing Walks walk leader, you get to choose exactly where to walk and share your favourite routes with others.

You will be responsible for leading the group walks and ensuring that the route is safe and accessible for all. Wellbeing Walks range from 10 to 90 minutes, and you will need to be available to lead your group walk once a week.

All you need is a passion for walking, to be a friendly face and have good communication skills. No previous experience is needed as full training will be provided.

To find out more about becoming a walk leader please contact hlts@herefordshire.gov.uk or phone 01432 383567. Or come along to one of our Wellbeing Walks to see if being a walk leader is for you.