Parish council precepts

Parish councils are funded by a small part of the Council Tax known as the parish precept.

How the precept is calculated

Each parish council forecasts how much money it is going to need the following year. This is then divided by the number of properties in the parish that fall into Band D Council Tax bands. This figure is adjusted to take account of such things as exempt properties and planned new houses to get the precept each Council Tax payer in the parish will contribute.

The tables below show those parishes that have spent over £140,000.

Bromyard and Winslow Town Council 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £
Administration 153,050 178,050
Park and open spaces 17,075 39,150
Grants 28,000 34,000
Civic expenses/events 500 10,900
Audit fees/insurance/subscriptions/legal fees 21,000 22,000
Council properties including car parks 108,735 126,370
Burial grounds 15,900 21,600
Town development 4,500 14,500
Net requirement 348,760 446,570
Projected income -95,896 -94,847
Allocation from balances 0 -54,979
Precept 252,864 296,744
Band D equivalent properties 1,441 1,450
Council Tax charge £175.43 £204.69
Hereford City Council 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £
Administration 239,405 369,209
Management offices and buildings 90,758 93,662
Election 10,000 10,000
Democratic and civic 154,570 170,416
Allotments 17,400 18,200
City costs 452,199 478,910
Tourist Information Centre 68,552 100,337
Total expenditure 1,032,884 1,240,734
Interest received -57,000 -42,000
TIC sales income -23,000 -26,000
Contributions to reserves 3,916 -84,743
Applefest income -14,000 -
Net requirement 942,800 1,087,991
Precept 942,800 1,087,991
Band D equivalent properties 16,582 16,540
Council Tax charge £56.86 £65.78
Ledbury Town Council 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £
Amenity areas 56,795 60,547
Recreation ground 28,429 26,530
Burial grounds 70,879 83,647
Operating costs 367,577 397,630
Listed buildings 20,010 37,011
Services and community grants 121,110 113,440
Civic 5,802 5,890
Council properties 34,917 40,030
Economic development and planning 19,500 19,500
Bye Street toilets - 1,500
Total expenditure 725,019 785,725
Estimated working balance -42,619 -51,103
Net requirement 682,400 734,622
Precept 682,400 734,622
Band D equivalent properties 3,614 3,697
Council Tax charge £188.80 £198.71
Leominster Town Council 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £
Administration/accommodation 412,531 440,379
Amenity/environment 251,529 292,984
CCTV 13,904 14,279
Festive lights 20,000 20,000
Grants/community support 29,500 23,000
Civic 3,050 3,650
Closed churchyard 3,500 4,000
Elections 100 100
Sport/leisure/recreation 18,450 14,280
Tourist Information Centre 86,253 86,503
Contingency 6,000 5,000
Total expenditure 844,817 904,175
Projected income -146,700 -158,200
Allocation from balances -5,000 -9,800
Net requirement 693,117 736,175
Precept 693,117 736,175
Band D equivalent properties 3,643 3,681
Council Tax charge £190.25 £199.98
Ross-on-Wye Town Council 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £
Administration 201,608 245,629
Amenities and outdoor services 264,475 234,878
Community, markets and tourism 127,415 125,809
Community safety/transport/advisory services 40,300 22,662
Civic costs 9,150 9,155
Assets and property portfolio 63,450 88,353
Projects 318,019 56,745
Total expenditure 1,024,417 783,231
Income -262,780 -86,689
Reserves -167,575 -63,342
Net requirement 594,062 633,200
Precept 594,062 633,200
Band D equivalent properties 4,103 4,247
Council Tax charge £144.77 £149.11