Applying for early education funding
Provider requirements
Childcare providers on the early years register can apply to offer early education funding (EEF) for children aged from 9 months to 4 years.
By registering, early years providers agree to abide by the national guidance document Early education and childcare; statutory guidance for local authorities and the local guidance document, the Herefordshire Provider agreement.
Providers must be registered with one of the following organisations:
- Early years Ofsted
- Schools Ofsted and DfE
- Independent Schools Inspectorate
- A registered childminder agency
Providers who are judged by Ofsted as 'Inadequate' or 'Requires Improvement' may be unable to offer EEF in Herefordshire.
How to register
It is important that you read the terms and conditions of the Provider agreement. This is the contract and parameters for early education funding (EEF).
Complete the following online forms:
- Request a Herefordshire Secure File Transfer - Anycomms new user account
- Early years funding payment details form
- Provider Portal registration form
What happens next
When we have received your completed bank payment details and portal registration forms, our EEF team will process your funding application and the CYPD team will create your Synergy account.
The CYPD team will send you your Synergy log in details - user name and password.
The EEF finance team will send you information that will include:
- The Synergy portal link so you can validate working parent entitlement codes and submit claims
- Parent declaration forms
- Information on term dates, schedule headcounts and payments dates etc
- Training and guidance on using the portal, claiming funding and how to validate 30 hours codes
Parental declaration and privacy notice form - parents must complete
It is a legal requirement (and GDPR compliance) that parents accessing funded hours must complete the relevant sections and sign the parent declaration form. You will need to liaise and tell parents about how they can access funded hours at your provision.
You can get copies of the parental declaration and privacy notice from
Please note, you have the responsibility to retain and securely store completed parent declarations. Do not return them to us unless we request it.
Contact details
For queries regarding the EEF claims process and provider payments:
Telephone: 01432 260021
For queries regarding access to Synergy
Claiming procedure after registration, EEF finance team notifications and EY portal access
The EEF finance team will notify providers when it is time to log in and submit a claim or complete a task as well as other general information related to claims.
Please note, providers must not offer a parent a place for their child until the Working Parent Entitlement eligibility codes have been validated by using the eligibility checker on the EY portal..
Important, your provision is solely responsible for submitting claims by the deadline date given to you by the EEF finance team otherwise your payment/s for children may not be made on time.