Administration of the funded hours

This page is about the administration of the funded hours. Use the links to jump to that topic.

How to identify the number of hours claimed at each provider and parent declaration forms

This must be identified through the parental declaration and privacy notice, which parents must complete when claiming funded places. This is a legal requirement and providers are responsible for this. These only need to be shared if requested by the council as part of a dispute or audit.

The funded offer

We will work with providers and parents to ensure that all parents, including disadvantaged families, have fair access to a funded place, which must be delivered completely without charge. Providers can charge for meals and snacks as part of the funded place and they can also charge for consumables, such as nappies or sun cream, and for services such as trips and specialist tuition. If a parent is unable to pay for consumables or if a parent wishes to provide their own, then you should discuss alternative options with the parent. Providers must be mindful of the impact of additional charges on parents, especially the most disadvantaged. Providers, who choose to offer the funded entitlements, are responsible for setting their own policy on providing parents with options for alternatives to additional charges, including allowing parents to supply their own meals or nappies, or waiving or reducing the cost of meals and snacks. Parents must be advised of the charges from the outset of a funded place.

It is up to the provider how the funding is offered at their provision: for example hours of the day, days of the week, term time only or stretch through the whole year.

Providers can also charge a deposit for a parent to secure a place and keep it particularly if a child does not start with them. For Best Start or the most vulnerable, if a deposit is charged, this must be refunded at the end of the term a child starts the place.

Claiming for a child's full entitlement even if the child is not attending for all of it

Providers can only claim for funded hours that have been agreed the child will attend for at the provision*. Parents are under no obligation to take up the full entitlement and may choose to use some hours with another provider. Providers can only claim from the date a child starts at the setting and is eligible for funded hours.

* Providers must supply funded hours from the outset of claiming for the child. Providers cannot hold back funding and charge parents in the meantime to then reimburse them at a later date (for example end of the term).

Difference between the rate the council pays and providers charge parents - top ups

Legislation is clear that providers must not charge parents the difference between the rate the council pays for a funded hour and what the provider charges per hour (calculated hourly rate), or for any additional service/charge, or consumable that the child is not accessing.

This would be particularly relevant to children accessing just the funded hours who might be a low income household or vulnerable (Best Start) as this could lead to barriers in the child accessing funded hours.

The information you must share to a parent in their invoices

Providers must clearly outline the number of funded hours supplied to the child/family for the invoice period and monetary value of those funded hours. Providers must also clearly outline any charges the parent has to pay for, for example additional hours, meals, services and other consumables.

Providers showing funded hours in any invoice as 0, does not meet this requirement.

If a child leaves or does not attend for the funded hours as agreed

For absence or sporadic attendance, providers are not required to inform the council of absence (unless there is a welfare concern) until a child has reached 20 full days of absence (whether over consecutive or sporadic days), or 30% absence within a single term.

Upon reviewing the reasons for absence, we will then determine if funding can be extended to cover continued and legitimate reasons for absence. However, we have discretion to remove or adjust funding if there is no valid reason for absence that has gone beyond the parameters of absence.

If a child leaves the provision outright, the provider can inform the EEF Team, or the provider must reflect the leaving date in the next amendment or actual task for the term. Any over claim will be claimed back by the council as funding will always follow the child.

If a parent breaches the notice period set by the provider

Unfortunately, due to the many variables and the fact the funded hours belong to the child, we will not pay for breaches of notice periods by parents as this is private business that local authorities cannot be involved with.

Further information about working parent entitlements

For further information on the scheme please go to the Childcare Choices website. Here you will find information on the criteria parents must meet and how they should apply.

Confirmed eligible families must present to their chosen childcare provider an eligibility code received from Childcare Choices. The provider will then validate the code and can then claim the funded hours through the EY portal.

Where to get information on payment and headcount dates, copies of parent declaration forms, EY portal guidance, validating working parent codes and so on

You can get this information from our Early Education Funding Team at

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