Your home, their future. Fours pairs of shoes varying in size from adult to baby

Enquire now for more information about fostering

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Parent and child fostering

Parent and child fostering involves supporting both parent/s and child/ren in your home for a specified period.

Some parents may not be in the right situation to safely raise their child. Your support can help a family to stay together and develop parenting skills.

Parent and child foster carers provide a high level of supervision and support. They also need to provide advice to parents about childcare and running a home. This could include feeding, safe handling, cooking and budgeting skills.

Your recordings and input help to decide whether the parent/s can continue caring for their child or if other arrangements are required.

Why become a parent and child foster carer

As well as our normal benefits and support, parent and child carers will:

Three people inside a heart within a yellow circle


Help families stay together.


A laptop with a tick inside a yellow circle


Undertake specialist training.


A hand shake with a tick above inside a yellow circle


Receive weekly social worker visits during the placement.


Hand holding a gift inside a yellow circle


Receive a 100% Council Tax exemption.


Who can be a parent and child foster carer

Over 21s of any background, relationship status, sexual orientation, working status, or faith can provide parent and child foster care. You just need:

  • A desire to make a difference and develop as a foster carer
  • A spare bedroom in stable accommodation
  • No child-related convictions
  • Some childcare experience

Parent and child foster care may interest you if you have previous childcare, education or healthcare experience. Transferring your skills into this role might allow you to step back from full-time work.


You could be paid upwards of £750 per week for parent and child fostering.

How to apply

How to apply and the fostering process