Your home, their future. Fours pairs of shoes varying in size from adult to baby

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Supported lodgings

Supported lodgings providers (SLP) provide homes for care-experienced young adults aged 18 to 25 as they move towards independence.

They provide a safe place and guide young people in developing the practical and emotional skills required to live as independent adults. These can include cooking, washing, completing job applications and managing emotions.

Like fostering, the young person stays with your family. However, they usually will be more independent and will normally transport themselves to their employment or training.

Why become a supported lodgings provider

As well as our normal benefits, supported lodgings providers will:

A puzzle with a magnifying glass over it inside a yellow circle


Guide young adults towards stability and independence.


Hand holding a gift inside a yellow circle


Receive a 100% Council Tax exemption.


Two people with speech bubbles above their head within a yellow circle


Provide less intensive intervention to the young people they support than other foster cares do with younger foster children.


Continue to work icon - a purse with a star in a yellow circle


Continue to work alongside providing supported lodgings.


Who can provide supported lodgings

Over 21s of any background, relationship status, sexual orientation, working status, or faith can provide supported lodgings. You just need:

  • A desire to make a difference and develop as a foster carer
  • A spare bedroom in stable accommodation
  • No child-related convictions
  • Some childcare experience

As a less intensive type of fostering, SLP hosts come from a range of situations. Whether you're recently retired, live alone, work full-time or have a family at home, supported lodgings could be the type of fostering for you.

What it's like being a supported lodgings provider

"What I enjoy is seeing young people progressing and making the most of opportunities that present themselves. They don't always get it right and need that person who they can come to when there's something they need help with. It's so rewarding when they achieve personal goals, whether in education, work or successful relationships."

Find out more about being a supported lodgings provider by watching Julie and Ian's story.


You could be paid upwards of £400 per week for providing supported lodgings.

How to apply

How to apply and the fostering process