Your home, their future. Fours pairs of shoes varying in size from adult to baby

Enquire now for more information about fostering

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Unaccompanied and asylum seeking children fostering

Unaccompanied and asylum seeking children (UASC) fostering involves housing a child who has come to seek asylum in the UK.

These children may face safety concerns in their home countries. The child will have emotional, linguistic and cultural needs that must be considered.

Alongside routine care, foster carers also support them through the process of applying for permission to stay in the UK, and a potential return to their home country if appropriate.

Why become a UASC foster carer

As well as our normal benefits and support, UASC foster carers will:

Two people high-fiving inside a yellow circle


Make a difference to a child or young person.


A hand shake with a tick above inside a yellow circle


Receive dedicated UASC support.


A laptop with a tick inside a yellow circle


Undertake specialist training.


Hand holding a gift inside a yellow circle


Receive a 100% Council Tax exemption.


Who can be a UASC foster carer

Over 21s of any background, relationship status, sexual orientation, working status, or faith can provide UASC foster care. You just need:

  • A desire to make a difference and develop as a foster carer
  • A spare bedroom in stable accommodation
  • No child-related convictions
  • Some childcare experience


You could be paid upwards of £400 per week for UASC fostering.

How to apply

How to apply and the fostering process