Previous Local Plan 2021-2041 consultations

View the content from our previous consultations, or links to the consultations, below. You can also read more about how we consult with the community on the developing Local Plan.

Draft Herefordshire Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation

25 March to 20 May 2024

We consulted on our review of the Herefordshire Local Plan and related policies. 

This included an opportunity to view and comment on:

  • The draft Local Plan at Regulation 18 stage
  • Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment
  • The developing Herefordshire Design Code

and to see the proposed Local Plan policies on the interactive Local Plan policies map.

Further calls for sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People and for new settlements ran alongside.

The responses received during this consultation will inform the final submission version (Regulation 19) of the Herefordshire Local Plan.

View more information about the Regulation 18 consultation

Open spaces consultation

5 August until 9 September 2022

We consulted on open spaces within the county.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please email us at

Place Shaping consultation

13 June - Friday 29 July 2022

Place Shaping was the third public consultation to be undertaken in 2022, the results of which will help inform the preparation of a new Local Plan for Herefordshire.

The consultation set out possible options and/or potential strategic development areas for Hereford, each of the County’s market towns together with a range of alternative settlement hierarchies for rural parts of Herefordshire.

The consultation did not set out firm proposals, which will come later in the process, but did look at different ways that Hereford, the market towns and rural areas could be developed over the next 20 years.

Following the close of this consultation a draft Local Plan will be prepared. Much of the evidence base for the plan will be developed over the summer and autumn and, together with the results of the consultations undertaken during 2022, will form the basis to support the plans policies and proposals. Further consultation upon a draft Local Plan will be undertaken in 2023.

View more information about the Local Plan Place Shaping consultation

Documents consulted on are in the Place Shaping consultation documents panel on this page.


We held roadshows so that the public could discuss the Place Shaping Options with a member of the team. Roadshows were held at the following places:

  • Tuesday 28 June: Ledbury, Bishops Frome 
  • Wednesday 29 June Hereford, Fownhope 
  • Thursday 30 June: Ross-on-Wye, Lea
  • Friday 1 July: Leominster, Wigmore
  • Monday 4 July: Ewyas Harold
  • Thursday 7 July: Bromyard, Bartestree 
  • Friday 8 July: Kington, Weobley

Rural Settlement Hierarchy Background Paper  

View the background document to the Rural Settlement Hierarchy Options

Call for Sites  

View the Call for Sites 2022

We also undertook a call for sites to ascertain whether there are any additional areas of land to be considered across the county. To ensure proposed sites could be considered as part of the study we asked for them to be submitted by 29 July 2022.

These sites will be subjected to a Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). This will provide the evidence necessary to identify any suitable housing and employment growth areas in the forthcoming Local Plan.

Policy options public consultation

4 April 2022 until 16 May 2022

We have now reached the stage where consideration needs to be given to any policies that are to be included in the Local Plan.

The policies will be key in determining planning applications. This consultation provided the opportunity for everyone to have their say early in the process of plan making.

The responses received during this consultation, together with a number of evidence base studies, will help form the draft Local Plan.

View more information about the Local Plan 2021-2041 Policy options

Policy options 2021-2041 consultation document

If you need further assistance, please email or phone 01432 383357.

Spatial options public consultation

17 January to 28 February 2022

To help us prepare the draft plan we invited you to give us your views on development strategy options and possible rural policy approaches.

View the comments made during the Spatial options consultation 

For any queries about the consultation, or if you would like the information in a different format, please email


We held several events to get feedback from Ward Members and Parish Councils from around the county.

If you missed the events or would like to find out more information, we recorded them so you can watch the workshops and information sessions.

Watch the recordings 

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment scoping reports

March 2023

These scoping reports have been prepared by LUC on behalf of Herefordshire Council as the first stage in carrying out the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the review and update of the Herefordshire Local Plan.

SA/HRA is an assessment process designed to consider and communicate the significant sustainability issues and effects of emerging plans and policies within them, including their alternatives. SA/HRA iteratively informs the plan-making process by helping to refine the contents of such documents, so that they maximise the benefits of sustainable development and avoid, or at least minimise, the potential for adverse effects.

The purpose of these scoping reports is to provide the context for, and determine the scope of, the SA/HRA for the review and update of the Local Plan, and to set out the framework for undertaking the later stages of the SA/HRA