How we consult with the community on the Local Plan

Consultation strategy for Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

The involvement of communities and stakeholders is key to preparing a Local Plan for Herefordshire which allows it to grow sustainably, meets the needs of our communities, and protects and enhances the things we value most.

This document sets out our approach to consulting and engaging the community and stakeholders on the next stage of consultation on the Local Plan which is for the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan.

View the Consultation strategy for draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation

Consultation statement

We seek to take an inclusive and proactive approach to engagement, providing the opportunity for all to engage in the plan-making process. This document is a summary of consultation on the development of the Draft Local Plan that has taken place so far.

View the Consultation statement for the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation

Equality Impact Assessment for Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

We, the council, have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) to ensure that emerging Local Plans do not lead to unlawful discrimination (direct and indirect) against those with a protected characteristic and ensure that they advance equality of opportunity for all.

As part of this duty, this Equalities Impact assessment (EIA) examines the draft policies contained within the Draft Herefordshire Local Plan 2021 – 2041 and the public consultation processes. It identifies the potential impact on those with protected characteristics and how any negative consequences could be avoided or minimised,  informing policy approaches and consultation methods. The Equalities Impact Assessment is an ongoing process and updated  assessments will be published at the next stage of the local plan process.

View the Equalities Impact Assessment for Herefordshire Local Plan