School funding for children with SEN

Mainstream schools already have some funding built into their budgets to meet a wide variety of the less severe Special Educational Needs (SEN) (up to £6,000 per pupil).

If individual pupils need a higher level of funding to meet their needs Herefordshire Council uses its High Needs Matrix. This is called top-up funding. You can also view the Tariffs for the High Needs Matrix for 2024.

For pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans), the level of funding will be determined as part of the assessment process and there is no need for schools to apply separately.

For pupils without EHC Plans, schools will need to make an application for top up funding.

Specialist schools and other specialist provision

Special schools receive £10,000 per school place at the start of the financial year. Each pupil entering specialist provision will have an EHC Plan along with the appropriate level of top-up funding.