Local management of schools (LMS)
Managing the financing of our maintained schools
Our scheme for managing the financing of maintained schools in the county, or Local Management of Schools (LMS), sets out the rules and conditions governing the financial relationship between schools and the Local Authority (LA).
It provides a reference for school staff and governors in understanding their duties and responsibilities, rights and entitlements with regard to the financing of their school.
We strongly believe that governing bodies should have wide discretion to manage school-based resources. Accordingly, we aim to:
- Secure the maximum level of budget delegation for schools compatible with the LA's responsibilities and the wishes of schools
- Keep to a minimum the disruption to any school
- Ensure that we can meet our statutory responsibilities for the education service
The scheme addresses the resources needs of all types of school, including by providing support for the council's many small schools.
View the Local management of schools scheme for Herefordshire (LMS)