Meet the Hear Me team

Hear Me children's rights and advocacy service logoWe have a number of specially trained advocates who can help you. Select the links to find out more about them:

We also have a team administrator, Chloe Lewis and a service manager, Tilly Page. Whilst Chloe and Tilly do not work as advocates, they are the two members of the team who are most likely to answer the phone when you first make a referral and before you have been given your own advocate.


Annabel OxfordAnnabel Oxford Hear Me advocate

Background: I have been working as an advocate with children and young people for over 15 years. I used to work in schools and then for the National Youth Advocacy service in Wales and the South West. Now I work in Herefordshire. I went to Art College when I left school and studied Embroidery for four years. I still like making things on my sewing machine.

Likes: My job (of course!). I have a dog and enjoy taking him for walks. I love my garden and growing fruit and vegetables. I sing in a choir and like watching films.

Dislikes: Slugs, bullies, people who talk too fast, and feeling stupid!

Ant StonesAnt Stones Hear Me advocate

Background: I also work in theatre, so I've worked with many different people as part of my community projects. If I'm not directing or writing something, I'm probably watching rugby and eating a biscuit.

Likes: Waking up to see sheep in the field outside. Running down local lanes and doing killer sudokus on the sofa - like normal sudokus but with added maths.

Dislikes: Umbrellas. Throw them in Room 101.

Becca Whittaker

Background: I have a degree in mental health, and health and social care and used to work in secondary schools as a teaching assistant and pastoral mentor. I have also worked in a nursery school and as an activity instructor. My favourite activity to teach was abseiling.

Likes: I love reading fantasy books and watching crime documentaries. My favourite thing to do when it's not raining is to explore woods and old castles.

Dislikes: Bats and rats. They just freak me out!

Jodie Thomas

Background: I have a degree in learning support, a diploma in child psychology and qualifications in British Sign Language. I have been working with children and young people for over 15 years, 8 of which I have spent working with young people living in foster care. I have also worked in schools, nurseries, assessment centres and for Victim Support.

Likes: I love listening to music and going to concerts. I also love animals and some of my very favourite places in the world are Longleat and Cotswold Wildlife Park.

Dislikes: Potatoes (including chips, yuck!), masks and people who dress up as giant mascots.

Shanti KnowlesShanti Knowles Hear Me advocate

Background: I used to be a Personal Adviser (PA) in the 16+ Team and before that I worked in a residential care home - working with young children right through to the elderly. When I was younger I studied music at college and now I get to do the most amazing job, working with incredible children and young people.

Likes: I like escape room games, watching true crime documentaries and spending time with family and friends.

Dislikes: The feel of velvet and sponge - urgh it makes shiver!

Tash Taylor

Background: I grew up living by the seaside which I loved. I have two dogs and two cats. I have worked in healthcare and social care for the last 12 years, and I am passionate in advocating and educating around neurodiversity in women and girls.

Likes: I love coffee and walnut cake, walking my dogs and shopping.

Dislikes: I absolutely hate bananas, I can't even touch them! Early mornings and when it gets too hot.

Tom PringleTom Pringle Hear Me advocate

Background: I have a degree in sociology and criminology and used to be a secondary school history teacher. I spent a number of years helping adults with their claims for benefits and I volunteer as a leader at Beavers.

Likes: I love reading and walking and other things that make me sound like I am an old man! I love sport especially football and cricket. I support Tottenham Hotspurs.

Dislikes: Moths and daddy long legs (I don't trust that they know where they are going).

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Team administrator

Chloe Lewis

Background: I previously worked in the NHS for four years, in the Women's and Children's department. Before that, I worked in The Body Shop providing all skincare and make-up advice. I have a background of performing arts, I studied at Hereford Art College and also attended youth theatre at The Courtyard.

Likes: I enjoy all things beauty related, I spend some of my spare time practising make-up looks on myself and my friends. I also enjoy taking my little dog, Dory, for walks. She loves the seaside.

Dislikes: Crocodiles and cinnamon.

Service manager

Tilly PageTilly Page Hear Me service manager

Background: I have a background in residential care and secondary education. I have also spent time working in Du'Noon, Cape Town. I spent a year working with Hereford FC as their events manager and we put on Herefordshire's biggest boxing event! I am the service manager for Hear Me, so although I won't work with you directly, I am always on hand to support and help you with any issues you may be experiencing, alongside your advocate. I am also the service manager for the Complaints Department, so if you have any complaints about the services you are receiving from Herefordshire Children's Services, I can meet with you and your advocate to explain the process.

Likes: I love reading, and going to the gym. I love being outdoors going for walks and hikes especially with my puppy, Pablo. I love the sunshine, funny movies and cheese is 100% my favour snack!

Dislikes: Spiders, deep water, mushrooms (eugh), rudeness and the cold.

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Hear Me contact details

Please phone or email us and a member of the team will be happy to help.

Telephone: 01432 383113

Send Email