Stories about young people we have helped

Hear Me children's rights and advocacy service logoRead our young people's stories to find out how we can help:

Please note, the real names and physical features of the young people below have not been used.

Jimmy (aged 10)

Jimmy avatarJimmy was attending a specialist school for children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Jimmy had been attending the school for most of his primary years, however, felt that the environment wasn't right for him and didn't promote his education. Jimmy found it difficult to concentrate and found his peers disruptive to his learning.

With our support, Jimmy was able to express his views regarding a move to 'mainstream' education and, after visits and taster sessions, plans were put in place for Jimmy to move to a school of his choice.

Gemma (aged 19)

Gemma avatarGemma (aged 19) was a care leaver with a baby of her own. Her baby was on a child protection plan despite Gemma and professionals feeling that she was looking after her child extremely well. Her baby was on the plan because of concerns about the child's father and because of false claims made about Gemma from people from her past.

With our support, Gemma was able to show to social services that the claims made about her were false and the concerns about her baby's father were misplaced. Gemma's baby was moved off a child protection plan and her baby continues to thrive.

Hannah (aged 12)

Hannah avatarHannah (aged 12) was on a child protection plan due to concerns about her parents arguing. Hannah didn't understand what child protection meant and found it confusing. An advocate explained to Hannah what the process meant and who the various people will be attending her meetings were. She was supported to go, share her views, wishes and feelings and ask any questions that she had.

Hannah grew in confidence over the months and nearing the end she was able to speak for herself and play an active role in her meetings. She eventually came off the child protection plan because her parents worked with her social worker to reduce their concerns.

Thomas (aged 21)

Thomas avatarThomas was a care leaver who felt he had been let down by social services during his time in care. Also when he became a care leaver, a significant event happened in his life where again he felt let down and unsupported by the care leaver service who were acting as his corporate parents.

Thomas was supported to make a complaint against the local authority which resulted in an apology from the service director.

Anthony (aged 18)

Anthony avatarAnthony asked for an advocate because he had had many social workers and felt he did not get the chance to get to know any of them. He wanted more support while a solicitor was involved in a court case for him. He particularly wanted information about the legal process, such as how long it might take, whether his family would be involved, who would help him at any meetings, and what might be a possible outcome.

The advocate was able to follow it through with him, passing on and explaining all correspondence, attending meetings with him, supporting him to get the answers to his questions and regularly keeping in contact.

Melissa (aged 9)

Melissa avatarMelissa was living with foster carers when she first asked for advocacy support. She was very shy and anxious when attending her six-monthly care reviews. The person in charge of the meetings, her independent reviewing officer (IRO) would ask her about her home life, her friends, school, her health and family time. Melissa found it very difficult to speak up and did not want to attend the meetings any more.

The advocate was able to help her by chatting with her before and after the meetings as well as attending with her and by being her voice and ears at the meetings.

Melissa has had the same advocate for four years, and with their support she attends and also enjoys her meetings. Now Melissa takes charge of her meetings and decides what she wants the people attending to talk about and what questions she wants answered. She is in regular contact with the advocate and asks for answers from her social worker whenever she has a query.

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