What we do (and don't do) with your information - privacy notice

Hear Me children's rights and advocacy service logoWhile working for you, we will need to collect and keep information about you to help us support you. We understand how important it is that we keep information for you in a secure way that respects your privacy.

What we will do with the information we collect and keep about you

  • Store it on a secure computer system which can only be looked at by members of the Hear Me team
  • Allow you to look at all the information we have about you whenever you want to
  • Keep the information we have about you for at least six years after we stop working for you
  • Allow you to easily change any information we have about you that is incorrect such as contact details
  • Stop collecting information about you if you ask for this
  • Provide you with an explanation on what we do with the information we keep about you whenever you ask for this
  • Make sure the information we keep about you is easy for you to understand
  • Accept requests for us to delete the information we have about you

What we won't do with the information we collect and keep about you

  • Share it with anyone else outside of Hear Me without you telling us we can, unless we think that something you have told us suggests you or someone else is not safe or because you have told us about a crime. When this happens we may need to share this information with people who do not work for Hear Me like your social worker. If we do need to share information without your permission, we will keep you updated with how this information is being used
  • Collect and keep any information about you without you knowing about it
  • Collect and keep any information about you without a good reason

Further information

If you would like more information please read our young people's privacy notice or our full privacy notice or get in contact with the Hear Me team.

Hear Me contact details

Please phone or email us and a member of the team will be happy to help.

Telephone: 01432 383113

Send Email